We Are All Essential
We are in trying times and we want to send a positive message to our friends, neighbors and community as a whole.
The slogan says it all.
In lieu of payment for the shirt or sticker you receive, we simply ask that you, in turn, be a good human…help someone who needs help, lift someone’s spirits who is struggling, do a good deed for a stranger, give someone a spare roll of toilet paper for Pete’s sake! And if you feel like this is a good thing, spread the joy on social media and remind others that we are truly all in this together.
Let’s remember who we are and that we all really are essential.
We plan on continuing this for as long as we are able. Obviously continually giving away things for free is not an ideal business model, but we really want to get the message out into our community. We’re all worried and concerned about what the future holds and we certainly don’t need any more divisiveness by hearing what we do for a living is or is not important. It is all important.
If you would like a shirt or a sticker, please contact us at: create@ncprinting.com.
We have a table outside our front door where we are staging the shirt and sticker orders for contact-free pickup. If you would like us to ship your shirt, we do have to charge a shipping fee. The stickers we will mail for free in an envelope (limit 5).
As of this writing, we are under a “Stay-Home” order, so please don’t violate any standing orders or rules for your area while they are in effect.
Everyone stay safe out there!