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A Printer Walks Into A Bar…
Got to be a deeper meaning here...

A Printer Walks Into A Bar…

Just kidding.

If you haven’t clicked the back button yet then I assume you have a mild interest in what weirdness we might choose to splay across the virtual pages here at NC Printing. Well…we have a couple of ideas…hopefully.

Since we opened our doors here at the tail end of 2010, I’ve had the bittersweet fortune of hearing “I didn’t even know you guys were here” or “I didn’t know you guys did that” from customers over and over and over again. I like seeing our customers happy and excited and I know they are reciting those phrases with gratitude and (sometimes) elation. But…as a business owner, it means we haven’t pushed hard enough to get our presence known far and wide. If you’re a business owner yourself, I’m pretty sure you know exactly what I mean.

So here I am, attempting to tie all of our online marketing efforts together with a brand new website and (hopefully) a way to communicate more effectively with our loyal and growing customer base…and you onlookers who are just curious about what the photos below have to do with NC Printing.

Nothing at all. They came with the site.

Anyway, thanks for playing along. Does this make me a blogger now?


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